জান্নাত জাহান্নাম ইসলামিক বই

by Bangla Public Library

Books & Reference


Bismillahir Rahmanir RahimAssalamu Alaikum, dear brothers, sisters and friends. "Jannat-Jahannam" is famous as the book written by Abdul Hamid Faizi. That effort of the believing servant is continuous. The greatest achievement is to be freed from hell and get a place in paradise. And that success will be gained by gaining the satisfaction of the great Creator. So the Muslim reads the Kalima, performs all the fards, and rejects all the harams. He also performs additional supererogatory acts of worship in order to gain more status. A similar noble act of worship is to call people to Paradise and to warn them of Hell. We also want the pleasure of Allah and the great reward of Paradise through this worship. May Allah grant us, our parents and masters a place in His everlasting Paradise. Amen. All the pages of this book are highlighted in this app. I published the whole book for free for the Muslim brothers who could not afford it.Hopefully you will encourage us with your valuable comments and ratings.